Catalan memorial ceremony with 100 participants at the former Gusen roll call site

Every year, the Catalan "Grup de Treball Exili Deportació i Holocaust" from the region of Alt Empordá, Girona, visits the Mauthausen Memorial. This year marked the tenth time that this meeting has taken place.
Around 100 pupils and teachers from several schools came together for the memorial trip.
In addition to the Mauthausen Memorial, the participants also visited the site of the former Gusen concentration camp and the memorial centre there. As in previous years, they held a moving memorial ceremony - this year for the first time on the former roll-call site of the Gusen concentration camp, which was newly purchased by the Republic of Austria.
Erich Wahl, Member of the Provincial Parliament, welcomed the international guests on site. The group was accompanied by the memorial's guide Teres Stockinger.
We would like to thank them for their valuable remembrance work!