Relatives of Gusen concentration camp victim Luis Albo Camus visited the Mauthausen and Gusen Memorials

Visiting relatives: Carmen Albo and her husband, Javier Mateo, recently visited the Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camp memorials in the footsteps of their grandfather. They were accompanied by guide of the Mauthausen Memorial, Teres Stockinger.
They lit a candle in the Room of Names in memory of Luis Albo Camus.
Carmen Albo left us the following message and asked us to share it:
"27 January 1941 was a very cold day. Nevertheless, the Mauthausen railway station was already very busy early in the morning. A long train arrived. It was a transport of Spanish resistance fighters to the concentration camp. The train had been travelling for three days and many men had already died on board. More than 1500 people arrived alive. They were already expected: by SS men and their bloodhounds. They were beaten and shouted at and driven to the concentration camp. The majority of them died in the same year.
The printer and Esperanto teacher Luis Albo Camus from Peñacastillo, a village near Santander, was also on this transport. He was transferred from Mauthausen to the Gusen concentration camp and died there a few months later, on 17 August, of 'croupous pneumonia', according to the death register."
Thank you for the visit.