Expansion of the Virtual Guide

The Mauthausen Memorial originally presented its Virtual Guide in May 2021. At that time it contained two modules on the Mauthausen and Gusen Memorials. The Virtual Guide functions both as a mobile, digital, on-site education tool for use at the historical sites, and as a desktop version, which visitors can use to prepare for and follow-up on their visit. Its modular structure is organised by place or region and the guide can be accessed at: mm-tours.org
Two new modules have now been added to the Virtual Guide: ‘Inter-Spaces I’ and ‘Inter-Spaces II’. These explore the region around both the Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps using guided audio tours and historical information points. In terms of content, the tours focus on the question of the relationship between the place and its inhabitants on the one hand, and the concentration camps, their prisoners and the camp SS on the other. The new tours are narrated by renowned stage, film and TV actor Cornelius Obonya, who also recorded the first Mauthausen Memorial audio tour.
The Virtual Guide to the site of the former Gusen concentration camp features prominently on the new gusen-memorial.org website. This guide provides a geographical overview of the surviving remnants of the Gusen I, II and III camps and highlights the local memorials that commemorate this history.
The Virtual Guide also has a practical download function, allowing visitors to access all four modules offline when visiting the site.