
Podcast: Traces of Memory


Podcast: Traces of Memory
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In the latest episode of the podcast ‘Spuren der Erinnerung’ (‘Traces of Memory’), produced by Freies Radio Freistadt, three members of the Mauthausen Memorial staff talk about the past, present and future of the site.
Elisa Frei, a member of the Research Center, Gregor Holzinger, head of the Research Center, and Robert Vorberg, curator at Mauthausen Memorial, discuss the history of the former Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps before taking a look at the current projects, events and publications of the Mauthausen Memorial. In looking to the future, they describe the ongoing participation process relating to the memorial site for the former Gusen concentration camp. 
Link to the podcast: The Mauthausen and Gusen Concentration Camp Memorials – Past, Present, Future (in German) | cba – cultural broadcasting archive (